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Bayelsa gets N12.6bn in July allocation
Bayelsa State Government says a total of N12.6 billion was received as gross income for the month of July 2012 from the Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC).
Speaking at the fifth Bayelsa State Transparency Initiative Monthly Press Briefing in Yenagoa, Deputy Governor, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, who rendered the accounts of the State on behalf of government explained that, out of the figure received for the month of July, derivation accounted for N7.740 billion while the statutory allocation was N2.390 billion.
According to retired Rear Admiral John Jonah N1.18 billion was paid for Subsidy Reinvestment Empowerment (SURE) Programme while NNPC refund came up to N311.6 million.
Also, the Deputy Governor announced, N6.91 billion as the total amount for Expenditure which included N3.89 billion as salaries for civil servants and N215 million as salaries for Political appointees.
Other deductions according to him were N227 million for gratuity payment to retiring civil servants for July 2012 while 169 million was paid as gratuity for retiring Primary School teachers.
Retired Rear Admiral John Jonah stated that total amount of deductions made at source was N3.21 billion out of which N1.24 billion was payment for bond and N187 million for refund on overpayment of revised 13% Derivation indices from the month of August 2008 to December 2009.

Isenah bags Izon-Ebe Newspaper Publishers Association’s Awads
‘A leader who needs to secure broader support for his policies will need to spend more government revenuews on wealth; creating goods and services and less on himself and his cronies” ~ American Economist, Mancur Olson
This saying, aptly fits the legislator representing Kolukuma/Opokuma Constituency I, Hon. Tonye Emmanuel Isenah, in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, who has been described as a tone for grassroot legislating in the state.
A close associate of the Odi-born lawmaker, Mr. Rowland Akpolo, attest to this fact when he said Hon. Isenah within one year in the assembly has done more than any other elected representativ from the constitutency since the inception of democracy in the country.
Isenah, as a grassroot person has embarked on a “Thank You” tour which is unprecendented by politicians in this part of the world while distributing life-support tool to his constituents such as motorbikes, books, sewing machine, health, etc.
Akpolo noted that Isenah has done well in the area of providing the basic needs such as providing free health care, payment of electricity bills for communities in his constituency, as well as free adult education to reduce illiteracy.
In terms of providing comfort for the people, Isenah does not just stay in his palace but any given time feels the impulse of the people he represents in government, thus providing three communities – Odi, Kaiama and Isampou- grass cutting machines to keep the environment clean at all times, also construction of a rest house for road users along Odi junction.
Akpolo, describe the lawmaker as an intelligent young man who is very proactive and constructive during deliberations and debate on the flood of the house. ‘He is an unusual team player, that is not common among politicians’, Akpolo noted.
‘Isenah has endowed himself to his colleagues with his depth and quality of debate on various issues affecting the state thus making himself an integral part of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly,’ Akpolo remarked.

Lawmaker calls for private bills on health matters
Individuals and health organizations have been called upon to sponsor private bills on relevant health issues through their elected representatives in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly without waiting for the government​
to always initiating executive bills on such matters.​
The member representing Kolukuma/Opokuma constitutency I in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Hon. Tonye Emmanuel Isenah made the call when addressing newsmen in Yenagoa,.​
Isenah said, various health agencies and practitioners should come up with private bills that will improve the quality of service delivery in the health sector through the health committee in the house.​
He noted that Governor Seriake Dickson have declared a silent 'state of emergency on the health sector' without making pronuncement pointing out that the governor has sent the primary health care bill before the floor of House.​
Stressing that the House will give priority attention to the bill to ensure its speedy passages to law when it resumes for the preliminary after its annual recess.​
The lawmaker said as a member of the Health Committee, they are working hard to improve the health condition in the state in collaboration with the Honourable Commissioner for Health.​
On the Sanitary condition of most residence in the state, the lawmaker challenged various enlightenment agencies to re-double effort to get the get the citizens informed and re-orientate on daily basis on the need to keep their surrounding clean.​
Isenah, who is also the deputy majority leader of the House, said sanitary officers should live-up to their responsibilities by carrying out routine inspections in the villages and in the state capital.

Rescuing the Ijaw Girl-Child
Aptly, this was the theme for the first Bayelsa Women Summit held at the Gloryland Cultural Centre between July 27 and 28, 2012 with the south African first lady as special Guest.
The summit which witnessed an unprecedented attendance by women from all works of life is an initiative from the wife of the Executive Governor of Bayelsa, Mrs. Rachael Dickson to build a platform to re-direct and re-focus the plight of the
Ijaw Girl-Child.
Mrs. Rachael has decried the level of education of the Ijaw girl at different for a which as become a threat to society.  She sees it appalling that the Ijaw girl-child is a school dropout, unskilled and most cases no means of livelihood.
Therefore, rescuing the Ijaw girl-child at this time, is a mission of providing the needed intervention to reverse the pending threat to social security in Ijaw land.
Suffice to say that, the girl child in Ijaw land is disadvantaged and most cases forced into early marriage or before the completion of their secondary school, they are ready pregnant, this affects their educational career adversely.
Expectedly, the first Bayelsa Women Summit is a deliberate effort by Mrs. Dickson to bring together women to discuss and brainstorm on ways of rescuing the Ijaw Girl-child for two days.
Therefore, the theme of the summit was not out of place and most women participant show enthusiasm that hope has come for them through this resounding rescue mission of her Excellency.
Most women (especially young girls) have being deprived of the opportunity of being educated due to mistakes made in the past which was dramatized in a play presented by the Arts and Culture Bureau; it became real to most participants whom
shared sentiment as the play rolled.
It is a ray of light, when the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Women Affairs, Mrs. Vivian Idiowei shared her experience as a widow who had trained her three boys to become university graduate when she lost her husband, when the boys
were still young.
In her speech, Mrs. Dickson expressed passion for the education of the girl-child, not to be condemned by her mistake, promising to stand by them and overcome their challenges noting that the best way to empower anbody is through education.
The summit provided the needed opportunity for women to interact with the governor’s wife.

Youths And Durg Menace, How Secured Is Their Future?

For quite sometime now, the drug menace rank as one of the top most phenomenon threatening global peace and security. More worrisome however, is the fact that the youth are the most vulnerable is not only abuse of drugs but also in its attendant consequences.
If ineed the youths are the leaders of tomorrow, there is therefore a compelling need for all critical stakeholders to ensure that our youths are drug free, after all, only same youths of today can gain tomorrow as leaders.
It is against this backdrop that I regard this summit and this opportunity to disseminate and enlighten youths of this region on the vagaries of the drug menace, as timely and thoughtful. It is my hope that at the end of this discourse the youths will be more informed and enlightened to unequivocally say, “No to Drug Abuse and yes to life”
The term Drug is a broad based. To the pharmacist, it is a chemical preparation for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of diseases or ailments. For the laymen, the word is synonymous with Medicine.
However, a working definition for this paper will suffice. Drug is any chemical substance which, when taken into the body, by any means whatsoever, changes the functions or behaviour of the body.
There points to be deduced from the definition of drug are:
1. That substances can be taken into the body either orally, by injection, smoking sniffing (snorting), inhaling or even rubbing on the skin.
2. That as a chemical substance, a drug may be natural or synthetic.
3. When drugs taken are hard drugs, which are illegal and unlawful to be taken.
Many reasons have been adduces as to why youths abuse drugs. Some of the reasons are:
1. Peer Group Pressure: The influence of friends and other personalities do predispose many youths to drug use. Such person use drugs in order to get the approval of others and to conform to the practices of their group “Tot belong”.
2.  Personality factors: Individuals with personality problem arising from conditions like lack of adequate parental care, broken home, lack of Job, lack, poverty, etc.
3.  Emotional and psychosocial stress such as frustration, anxiety, economic depression, low self esteem (“who give monkey banana”).
4.  The urge to achieve success in a competitive world performance enhancing drugs.
5.  Availability/Accessibility of psychoactive drug.
6.  Occupational predisposition, e.g. bar man/woman, health workers etc.
7.  Influence of advertisement media.
8.  Environmental influence from family, school, work place, neighourhood or community.
General, when young people are asked why they are involved in drug taking response are usually out the following:
1. “I need to cope with pressure of life”
2. “Drugs help me forget problem”
3. “Some others take them, so why not me”
4. “I want to be strong, courage, at alert” etc.
Commonly Abuse Drugs:
The Oxford Advanced learner's Dictionary, New 7th edition defined narcotic as a powerful illegal drug that affects the mind in a harmful way. The are habit forming drugs and additive in nature.
1. Heroin: this drug relieves pain and indues sleep in the user. Similar drugs are opium, morphine, codeine, pethidine etc. street names are: smark, shit, Gbana, Dolophine, Pantofen (opium powder) etc. duration of effect, 3 to 6 hours. Heroin and similar drugs addicts are to negative behaviour and actions.
2. Cocaine: Cocaine increases ones activity or alertness. It is commonly regarded as a stimulant. Similar drugs are amphetamine, methamphetamine, permoline etc. street named are: coke, rock, snow, crack speed, blow, cocktail, uppers etc. Duration of effect, 1-2 hours. Stimulant addicts are prone to commit serious crimes as violence, armed robbery, rape, murder, cultism.
3. Depressants/Sedative: These are drugs that induce sleep and relieve tension or anxiety. Examples are valium, Librium, lexotan, Ativan etc. Duration of effect, 1-6 hours. The abuse and excessive use of these drugs portend great danger to the health of the user and also negatively affect their behavioural pattern.
4. Cannabis: Also known as cannabis sativa is a drug which ha both make simulating and depressing effect depending on the body make up of the user. It can also produce abnormal; sensations. The street are: Igbo, stone, Ganja, Kaya. Wewe, Weed, New Nigeria grass etc. duration of effect, 2-4 hours.
5. Inhalants: These are organic compounds (solvents) which are sniffed for their dtimulating effects, e.g. glue, rubber solution, correction fluid petrol etc.
Socially Acceptable Drugs: These are called gate way drugs because they serve as first point of entry into the world of drug abuse. Examples are: cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, local gin (ogogoro) etc.
How secured is their future?
The future of our youths are secured notwithstanding the dare consequences of drug abuse on them, after all where there is a will, there is a way. However, to ensure the secured future od our youths, the following are to be observed and adopted:
a. First and foremost, parents, guardians and teachers must endeavour to be exemplary in their actions and habits, such as being drug free.
b. The youths should adopt healty life styles by rejecting illicit drug consumption in all its ramification. They should say “no to drug abuse: yes to life”
c. The youths are advised to avoid bad companies such as gangster, cultists, fraternities and other clandestine groups etc.
d. The youths should be quik to report cases of drug use and peddling/sale in their neighbourhood.
e. Youths are encouraged to get involved in religious activities as the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
f. Youths should engage in extra-curricular activities such as sports, games, membership of organizations as; Boys Scout, girls Brigade, man O' War, etc.
g. Youths are expected to get involved in productive ventures instead of getting involved in drug trafficking to get rich quick.
h. The school authorities should encourage the youths to belong to clubs such as: Drug Free Club, Debating Clubs, and Science club etc. which are character molding in nature.
i. Families are expected to preach the fear of god, respect for families and community values.
j. The mass media-both electronic  and print ,media should introduce anti-drug abuse programmes in their programmes.
k. The government sholud adequately empower the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency to perform effectively. Failure to do this spell doom for the future of our youths.
There is no gain saying that the future of our youths are secured if they consciously cultivate right attitude and adopt healthy life styles. Moreso, as the destiny and future of every individual lies in the hands of the individual and God. For the Almight, He is ever faithful to keep His side of the covenant. The choice is ours- that of the youths to make. Some of the right choices are. “Say No to Drug Abuse, Yes to Life”, “Don't touch drugs to remain untouched”, “Life is sweet, I won't destroy it with drugs!” “My future is bright without drugs”. “Drug abuse can't make, but will rather mar my future.
The words of a former American President Franklin roosevelt is quite apt in this instance, that “we cannot always build the future of our youths, be can build our youths for the future.
Thank you for listening.

I.G.P Abubakar Backs Gov. Dickson’s
Task Force on Security

The Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. Mohammed Abubakar has thrown his full weight behind the special task force on security being proposed by Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson.

Mr. Abubakar gave his support to the task force when Governor Dickson paid him a courtesy visit in his office at the Force Headquarters, Louis Edet House, and Abuja.

The Inspector General of Police said any effort to complement what the police are doing is a welcome development, adding that the job of security lives and property cannot be handled by security agents alone.

“I wish to assure you of the full support of the Nigeria Police in this regard. Any effort to complement the work of the Police is a welcome development”, Mr. Abubakar said.

The Inspector General of Police thanked the Governor for the visit and wished him well in his quest to develop Bayelsa State.

Earlier, Governor Seriake Dickson had told the Inspector General of Police of his intention to set up a special task force to address security issues in the State such as Cultism, Bunkering, and Sea Piracy.

The Governor said the issue of Cultism is a new development and very worrisome, granted that Bayelsa had been known to be a very peaceful State.

Hon. Seriake Dickson, who noted that a Bill on the prohibition of cultism has already been sent to the State House of Assembly, said the setting up of special task force on security has become imperative because the new wave of cultism and other related crimes were totally unacceptable.

The Governor used the opportunity of the courtesy visit to condole with the Inspector General of Police over the death of a Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mr. John Haruna and three other officers who died on Wednesday, March 14 2012.

Describing the late Mr. Haruna as a courageous officer, Governor Dickson said he would be most remembered for his kind-heatedness and exemplary leadership qualities.

According to the Governor , "the present administration will not abandon any inherited project provided those projects key into our restoration agenda, which is all about qualitative service to the people, aggressive infrastructural development and value reorientation".

Commenting on the Local Content Development Institute, which is one of the projects under the Millennium Development Goals, (MDGs) programme, Governor Dickson expressed satisfaction with the quality of the structures on ground and commended those who conceived the idea of establishing the training facility.

On the issue of running of the institute, the Governor explained the government will collaborate with donor agencies to maximize the potential of the Institute, pointing out that the development of manpower was crucial to his administration and government alone cannot handle it.

Governor Dickson, who said government was passionate about the educational sector, also announced that the construction of a model school in Kaiama will be embarked upon in no distant time, adding that such projects will be awarded to competent contractors.

The deceased include Mr. John Haruna who, until his death, was a Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) in charge of Operations at the Force of Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Garba Yelwa, a Pilot, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Alexander Pwol-Ja, a Co-pilot and Sergeant Sonatain Shirunam, who was the orderly to Mr. Haruna.

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e-Monitoring: Hon. Otele’s Revolution in Bayelsa
As the world jets fast into the use of ICT for solving its enormous challenges, the Bayelsa State government has joined the rest of the world to harness the full potentials of this global trend with the acquisition of electronic software for project monitoring in the state.  When put in place, the e-monitoring solution has the capacity of revealing the stage of all contracts awarded by the Bayelsa State government and other vital details of said jobs.
This will help Bayelsans to owe the various projects being embarked upon by the government without crying fowl of sub-standard jobs carried out by contractors.  By this solution, with the click of the mouse, all details regarding on-going contract works will appear on screen showing the level of work done, job specification, cost of the job, contract agreement, level of payment made by government and to sure quality control.
In a recent chat with some journalists in his office, the Senior Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State on Project Monitoring, Hon. Julius Otele revealed that the software is been developed by a United State-based consultant which have a track-record of piloting this e-monitoring software in other states like Rivers and Delta.  He noted that the systems are being built in USA and within the next few months will reach the state.
Hon. Otele explained that the Restoration Agenda of Hon. Seriake Dickson is a serious government with a clear focus to work with serious minded people thus the building of a software that will help Bayelsans monitor activities of contractors while on site with the aim of making inputs where any contractor deviate from the terms of the contract agreement.  Within the last few years, Bayelsans have witnessed shady jobs been carried out by contractors especially the internal roads within the state capital, Yenagoa, thus, raising serious concern on the durability of such roads.
Roads built in last two years have started failing especially during the raining season where some are covered with water.  These roads do not have proper drainage system where waters are channeled to river thus causing panic to residence when the rains come.
Therefore, the SSA pointed out that this e-monitoring solution will serve as a measure to correct the sharp practices of these contractors who feel they can do whatever they like and collect money.  Bayelsans must owe these projects because it is the people’s money that is used to pay for these jobs, so the people must get the best as well as be involved in its execution through proper and adequate monitoring which the new device have come to serve, the SSA asserted.
Apart from ensuring quality jobs in the state, it will create job opportunity and enhance the quality of staffers in the Directorate of Project Monitoring on how to operate the system.  Hon. Otele revealed that when the system becomes operational all the contracts signed by the state government will be uploaded into a central system.  All the various jobs in the local government will be uploaded at intervals to show the condition of such projects.
In the area of project execution and payment, there is a strategic move to check the excesses of contractors who collect mobilization fees without reporting to site because Governor Seriake Dickson’s administration will not condone sharp practices from either local or foreign contractors.  It has become a norm in Bayelsa State especially among local contractors sign contract papers and cart away money without embarking on the jobs with the aim to defraud the state government.
Recently, the Directorate of Project Monitoring embark on an inspection of some project sites in the state and discovered that most contractors don’t have contractual agreement (terms of agreement) but have collected money, the directorate frowns at this because every contract should have a terms of agreement.  This, situation have reported to appropriate quarters where the Ministry of Finance have been told not to release money to such contractors in the state.
This new revolution in monitoring of project will turn the entire landscape of Bayelsa State around before the end of the Hon. Seriake Dickson’s administration. The state government, according to the SSA will embark on the expansion of all the internal roads within the state capital to give it an international status for any conference or engagement.
In terms of empowering local contractors in Bayelsa State, the government is looking at giving them minor jobs and not major one since they lack the technical and manpower to deliver because the dream of the governor is to make Bayelsa to a small ‘London’.  Some foreign contractors have being employed and contacted to partner with the government to achieve this laudable dream of restoring the lost glory of the state.

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