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Jonathan leave your footprint in Niger Delta, if not… Dr. Amanya cautions
If Jonathan fails: S’south may get presidency after 50 years
With the numerous attacks on the President Jonathan’s administration by the Islamic group, Boko Haram in the northern part of Nigeria, Dr. Felix Amanya in this interview with our Managing Editor, Timi Kpeluke, cautiou Mr. President not to fail to plant his footprint on the Niger Delta sandbank.  Enjoy excerpts;

President Jonathanis over one year in office, has the Niger Delta felt his impact?
Amanya: Precisely, I will talk about the Niger Delta and not Goodluck Jonathan.  Goodluck Jonathan is our portion, ordained by God.  Though, the impact has ot been felt but they say, ‘faith cometh by hearing’.  Maybe, he will hear what am going to say, and he will change.  Boko Haram and no Boko Haram, these are caused by Buhari and Babangida.  They are instigating those boys to make trouble.  What Jonathan is suppose to be doing, is to start sinking wells into the Niger Delta, make it an industrial area by building fish ponds, employing catapillars and payloads, from Orashi River to River Nun down to Andoni axis.  Plant palms trees in the Niger Delta and there will instant jobs for the youths.  It will create permanent jobs for the youths in the region.  We have sharp sand in River Nun and Niger, dregders should be employed to dregde the sands, which cost about N5,000 per trip but government is concentrating on oil, they should diversify and make Niger Delta an industrial zone.  We have a place where we can plant palm trees from Yenagoa to Onitsha, the land between Oguta and Osomare, about 100 miles wide, only rainforest, cat fish forest and dig lakes, when rain starts falling in the month of August, God will bring our own fish and put into the fish pond.  The Bayelsa and Rivers people are fishermen and farmers.  Let him cultivate the attitude to develop the Niger Delta, if he does not not do it and go away, he will be blamed because this is our tenure.  Jonathan is our tenure.
Look at this the whitemen arrived Ahoada but got different petitions and left for Forces Avenue in Port Harcourt was under Ahoada Division, they were sending people from Port Harcourt to Ohia, transferring people from Ahoada to Owerri, Owerri was under Ahoada Division, Yenagoa under Ahoada division.  About 17 local government was under Ahoada Division but Port Harcourt, Yenagoa and Owerri are state capitals but we still have Ahoada East and West and nothing is there apart from the annena, the whitemen kept there for over 57 years now as development.
Goodluck Jonathan is from Ahoada province, the Lord send to develop Ahoada Division, forget the political development of Bayelsa, Rivers and Imo States, Jonathan is our son.  He is from the old Ahoada Province and must develop the place, you can consult your Atlas and find out.  I am not talking about my cure for HIV/AIDS which the government is paying lipservice to.  Am not talking about my total cure for heart attack in 28 days.  Not the cure for tubercolsis, which no man has a cure in the world but a man from Ahoada Division, Dr. Amanya discovered cure for heart attack which is the fastest killer in the Western world.  Heart attack kills like chicken in America and a man from Niger Delta discover the cure for heart attack, HIV/AIDS, kidney problem (that killed our president) and noghting is done.  In fact, you can discover to manufacture aeroplane, nobody will listen to you, what I am saying is that Goodluck Jonathan should concentrate on the development of Niger Delta and not just building a university.  For example, when Babangida was President, everybody was rushing to Minna but everybody left Minna when Babangida left office, so also, when Jonathan leaves office, everybody will leave Bayelsa.  I advice him as a younder brother just as people listen to Ibori, I expect people to listen to me, I will advice Jonathan to turn the Niger Delta territory to an industrial farming zone.  Farming is the best in the world, you remember, South Korea came and picked our palm kernel seeds, now they the world one producers of palm kernel.  Go to Cameroon, let him travel about like Obasanjo, I will see what I am talking about.  In the nearest future, Rivers State will be the best and richest State in Nigeria, if only, he will sink about one million fish pond from Mbiama to Orashi, the land is available, nobody will contest with him and declare it an industrial zone for the Niger Delta, that will give Niger Deltans more resources within the next 30 years and not transfer militants to Australia, they will go there and learn criminology and come back to overthrow government as well as make more trouble in the state.  Militants should be employed here, this is where the Federal Government needs to sink farms and engage these militants in the Niger Delta area, this area I am talking about, when the rains come, the flood overflows the banks, and our fishes will be reserved there while the palm trees will produce both palm oil and crude oil.
Why should Jonathan concentrate on Niger Delta at this, will it not amount to selfishness, since he is the President of Nigeria?
Amanya: No, it is not selfishness.  When you become a governor, you develop your area, let’s be realistic.  When you become a local government chairman, you first build your owe house.  Civilization starts from craddle… that’s why the Igbo people say “You first dress in the house before you go outside”.  The reason for zoning the presidency from East to West, North to South is to see that development covers the nation.  When I was telling Peter Odili of Rivers State, that we have a huge income from the River Niger, go and dredge the sand and sell and Rivers State will be ther richest state, he didn’t do it and now, Odili is gone, the only thing, he did in ONOLGA was the building of his castle (image) in Omoku, there was no dualization of roads, it was the road constructed by Agip in 1972 that was left there.  He only seized people’s plot to build a road to his village, and when we castigated him, he invented turbines which only gives light to his village and a few others.  We are going to criticized Goodluck Jonathan when he goes out, if he don’t do anything to us.  Because, he is our owe portion and not only to Bayelsa but the Niger Delta to about thirteen states is from Onitsha to Mbiama, sink in industrial zone contract.  It is not going to be selfish because when Babangida was president, do you know how many dams, that is build on the Niger, we have over 36 dams that is why there is no fish in the Niger Delta again.  When the Hausas are voted into office, they put in agricultural dams, you see pepper come from the north, vice come from the north, bean, onion, meat and almost everything we put in our mouth come from the north.  The River Niger was dam by their people and they become industrialist.  They people of the north employ a system and develop their people in mechanized farming which we do know about it.  All we do in politics in ‘follow –follow’.  I would never be a politicians.  But I am telling them what is happening, if Nigeria divides today, there is nothing to show for the oil well that were sank in Oloibiri, Omoku and other areas in the Niger Delta.  When earthquake comes, we will all sink down, because they have used the oil and every imcome to develop Abuja and other states in Nigeria.
Now, it’s our turn, Jonathan is the president of Nigeria, let him develop our area by just doing one thing by building a permanent employment opportunity.  And we will remember him for that because nothing goes up and comes down in Nigeria.  When the price of fuel goes up, it will never come down and even mango, when the price goes up, never comes down.  When the presidents leaves us, it will take over 50 years before it will come back, take note.
Are Niger Deltan youths ready for farming with the increasing need for white collar-jobs?
Amanya: The bible says ‘Bring up a child in the way, he should be and when he grows, he will never depart from it.”  The corruption here is that everybody wants to drive big cars, it is only in Bayelsa they pay armed robbers.  They call them, militants, it is only in Bayelsa, that mobile policemen guard armed robbers (militants).  In other places, they are arrested, in my area, militants are arrested and detained even in Port Harcourt; in the Niger Delta, we should not encourage our youths to be militant.  When they have something in their pocket, the won’t carry guns.  You know that, they have five guns and surrendered only one to government.  There are the ones that go to high sea to kidnap ships and off load the vessel without coming to the limelight.  So, let’s us be sincere and tell the truth to ourselves.  When they have a place where they are employed and earn a salary; though, not everybody would like to work, but it is sad that about 80% of Bayelsans claim to be militants.  It is a mockery.  A situation where 50% of such militants are employed, there will be a reduction.  We also observe that people from neighbouring states are in Bayelsa to join the militant syndrome.  So, government should create a job for them tor the future.  If you do a survey between Yenagoa and Onitsha, there are over three hundred big fish pond that gives income to each communities annually but if government intervene and dig these ponds to make them fishing lake, and by the end of the year, they put in trawlers and pump out the fish which will be exported.
Like what K. O. Mabadiwe did in Imo State, he planted the Ada Farm, it is the only soure of income for Imo State up till now, they don’t import or export anything part from red oil which the people and youths are comfortable.  It has given employment to over two million palm trees planted before the war by K. O. Mabadiwe, that was where Ukraine came and collect their palm tree seed.  So, from here to Onitsha is a very large place and our people are versitile in the production of palm oil while women in Brass, kill farm.  So, President Jonathan should invest in farming and fishing in the Niger Delta, and we shall be well and we shall write it in his name.
Should we excuse the state governments in Niger Delta for the underdevelopment of the area from blames?
Amanya: Let me tell, in the Niger Delta, a local government chairman built a hotel, it’s a castle, which has no other kind in West Africa.  Where did he get his money from, it is from oil derivation.  They governors do same thing, that is why I said, I hate politicians, they will tell they will put air-conditioner on earth and do nothing, only to build their owe castle.  If you leave the governor, they will not do anything.  I read in one local tabloid, I saw the crime a governor, committed.  That is how all the governors in Nigeria does their thing even the President.  So, any elected officials must first build his own house.   The oil subsidy that was causing problem, who is eating the money since its inception and who is also responsible for the money since aftert he strike action.  These monies should be invested into developmental projects in Nigeria.  Since, after the Biafran war, no project have being cited in the Niger Delta, the only project cited here was ‘War Against Imo’ (WAI), they took 10% of their salary and their blood.
Apart from Port Harcourt Airport, the rest are domestic and in most cases non-functional.  What are saying that, the oil, our owe share of the oil, we are marginalized and we have not gotten what we deserve from the oil.  They have drilled this oil for our 60 years and the portion they have given us is poor.  The oldest man in Egbema where the oil is being drilled, died and has no house but after I suit Agip to court for the tune of US $17 billion, they came and built a two-room building and chairs.  We are marginalized, President Jonathan should remember that, this is our tenure.
Why is the Niger Delta so marginalized after producing so much?
Amanya: I wrote a book of about 130 pages titled ‘The Solution to Youth Unrestiveness in the Niger Delta’, I wrote it in 2007.  The reason, why we are marginalized is the same thing, I continue to say, that when you are made a President, you try to channel the income to try and develop your owe people.  That is why, I will repeat it, again and again, President Jonathan is our tenure.  They did when they develop Lagos State and made it a capital, they built Lagos, the best city in Africa and when somebody came up, he said, it is too much for Lagos and took the capital to the centre of the north earlier called Benue-Plateau then.  They took it to Abuja and I am sure, you have been to Abuja before?  You have seen what they have done with the money from the Niger Delta and also develop other places like Kano and Kaduna.  If you enter motor from Ore to Abuja, no checkpoint and the road is smooth but from Onitsha to Asaba about 300 policemen will stop you on the road, the difference is clear; from Enugu to Abuja, they have a clear road but immediately Enugu to Onitsha, there is no road, constructed when Azikiwe died.  The difference is clear, they have used the money gotten from the Niger Delta to develop the northern state.  Jonathan is our tenure, we are not saying, he should not develop others but let him leave his footprint on the sands of the Niger Delta sand bank.
Don’t you sympathize with the President with the level of insecurity?
Amanya: No, I don’t think there is any problem.
The Boko Haram…
Amanya: No, there is no problem.
Why do you say so?
Amanya: there is no place in the world, there is peace now.  Do you understand, you see a big ‘Iroko’ tree with fresh leaves standing up, the wind will blow it down while the dried one is standing.  So, all these occurs with power, there is no government without such problem, even America, terrorists are attacking, did America collapse, even in Saudi Arab, Israel have muslim and christain fighting for over several years which have not stop from electing new president or going to farm to plant their cassava.
Boko Haram, President Jonathan knows what to do, he knows those behind Boko Haram.  If you call the elders of the northern states and give them ultimatum, if they don’t stop Boko Haram, that he will divide the country, Boko Haram will stop, do you know that?  Let him call all the elders, governors where governor is kidnap by Boko Haram.  Boko Haram is something they want to use to monitor Goodluck Jonathan to make sure, he doesn’t shower more blessing to the south-south region.  But that should not stop him from showering blessing to Ahoada Division, where he came from.
What is important about Ahoada?
Amanya: Ahoada province, I have said it before, Bayelsa (Yenagoa)is one of the local government in Ahoada province, Rivers State (Obio) is another local government, Owerri was under Ahoada.  So you discover that Yenagoa, Port Harcourt and Owerri are now state capital but Ahoada still remains Ahoada North and South.  Jonathan was born into Ahoada province before Bayelsa State came up and they have no road, hospital, no light, all they have is that ancient telephone antenna where people usually line up from morning till night.  There is GSM now, and we don’t need that antenna again, one day it will fall and kill people.  We don’t need it again.
You treated the issue of Boko Haram lightly.  Is is a payback for militancy?
Amanya: You see, we also have Boko Haram in Bayelsa.
But, it doesn’t kill people every Sunday; this is a routine now?
Amanya: You were here last year, that almost very streety they kill somebody.  Was there no record of over 10 deads in Yenagoa.  Death is death, whether, it is 100 persons or 200 persons or one person.  Youth unrestiveness in the Niger Delta was caused by marginalization and what will stop it is when we are stopped being marginalized.  Many people will go into Boko Haramism in the Niger Delta, if the oil is continually suck by the government and little development is experienced.
Militancy, how do we curb it?
Amanya: If the word ‘militancy’ is not found in the dictionary, it cannot be practiced in Nigeria.  It is there, there was somebody going to Samaria in the bible and was waylayed, it was there, it started.  What brings militancy, was marginalization.  I trust in militancy, I am not a politician neither a militant but I trust in it.  When, the people are marginalized, even women protest naked and cry on the street that they are marginalized.  When I came to Bayelsa State, they say, the former governor, that there was money everywhere, they call it ‘chop-make-I-chop’ but after that, they say, the governor (names withheld) was stingent, however, a new governor has come, we are looking further to see a change, these are things that bring militancy.
It is not to campaign that you’ll put air-condition in Bayelsa but after they win nothing happens.  For example, when there is war in Yenagoa, we only have one route for escape but somebody was awarded that road but the road stopped half-way; so, what we saying is that, when they give you money to develop your place, you take it to build your owe mansion; like the case of Schlumberger, which was created to put cement where oil being drilled as part of measures to refil the well but people turn-around to sell the cement.  But the oil wells, Schlumberger is suppose to cover, is empty about 20 years and nobody is feeling and one day, earthquake will blow from Yenagoa to Onitsha, resulting to sinking of house built with illegal and legal cement in the area.  We are preaching that bad that is bad, we are shouting that they should use the money to develop the area.
Are Niger Deltans not to be blamed in all of these?
Amanya: What are you going to do than join amnesty?  You are a farmer saving just N5,000 every four months, how are you going to pay school fees for your children, it is not possible that is why people join militancy but if you create viable job for them for example building fish ponds for communities and people are employed, paid at the end of the month N60,000 and then they will be able to train their children but they lack source of income, they will join militancy.
Will you support the disintegration of this country?
Amanya: No, if they are eating all the money, I support the division of the country.
So, will you advice Mr. President to do that?
Amanya: No, I wouldn’t advice Mr. President to do it but I will advice him to do is, the national cake we should be given a pieces of it to bit as our portion but if it is not possible, they should divide the country.
With the high profile personailities fingered for the sponsorship of Boko Haram, do you think, it is for us to go our separate ways?
Amanya: The handwriting is clear, but I am saying before we part, let us have the national cake.  Because, before a father dies, he writes his will, now President Jonathan should write the will of Nigeria.  He should put some infrastructural development in the Niger Delta and if somebody comes up after him, we know that our oil has given fish ponds.
But Boko Haram is causing insecurity in the country, the President is finding it hard to continue with his developmental agenda?
Amanya: How do you know they are not allowing him, he has the yam and the knife.  He decides what each person gets.  Now, if the government decides on something and allows the legislators deliberate on it, like the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), which distribute the money into their pockets.  Go to past chairmen and top management staff of the NDDC, see how they have tiled their villages, they are not serving the people, it was created to develop Niger Delta what have they done.  School-to-Land failed, OMPADEC failed and the only thing they do is to give you contract and come back to ttake 50% of the contract sum.  We are saying government should develop the Niger Delta single-handedly by employing Juilus Berger to build about one million fish pond from Yenagoa to Onitsha and employ youths to plant palm trees in them and called Niger Delta Development Corporation.  Niger Deltans should be employed there to earn money to chop, we are not saying, share the money.  Like Odili, we share money for people but today, they don’t have the money again just as it is said ‘teach me to catch fish and not to give me fish everyday’.  Teach these young men, how to train these fishes and they will feed the world.
Despite billion of naira investment in the health sector yet no improvement, what is happening in the health sector?
Amanya: It is only in this country that the President is in-charge of HIV.  I wrote a book and they say, the president is in-charge of HIV.  Listen, if you don’t know tuberculosis and you have a hospital, you don’t admit patient with tuberculosis.  There is a specialist hospital called infestious disease which cares for people with tuberculosis.  I have a doctoral degree in infestious disease.  I registered my hospital, Hebro Specialist Aid Hospital Nigeria Limited bigger than the Federal Medical Centre in Yenagoa where the cannot treat heart attack.  When somebody has heart attack you send him to cardologist.  If you are not cardiologist, you are treating heart attack you are wasting the person’s life, in fact, the patients are free to suit you to court.  I have called the Federal and state governments, please, let us enter into partnership, if I don’t cure things, let me be sentence to death by hanging and they hear and don’t listen because I am not an oil well, if I am an oil well, discovered in Bayelsa, they would have taken me?  I cure heart attack in 21 days and there is no hospital in Africa that treats heart attack.  I cure cancer, kidney problems all in 21 dayd.  Why? I have aired in cable networks and local television station, why is that Africa or the government, call me one day and list to me.  I was interviewed by CNN in 2003 and I said some thing, the whiteman said, how can good come from Africa.  I am an old man of 56 years and soon I will retire and go home while my people will be going to America, India to meet my classmate to treat them and I am in Bayelsa.  Why can government establish an infestious hospital rather killing my people at FMC where the doctors are surgeons and gynaecologists only.
How have you being able to transfer your knowledge?
Amanya: Well, I have trained two doctors.  One practices in Abuja and the other in Lagos but I will teach more people, that are interested and willing, the problem is that my people perish for lack of wisdom they don’t regard you, if you are a black man but if I were to be white, I will be in government house because the governor will build a hospital for me.
Why do we have such a mentally in this country, it is not about you?
Amanya: A boy manufactured a radio, we call it radio Mbaise and he die with it, nothing happened.  A boy manufactured phone and nothing happened.  I cure appendicitis within 24 hours without operation.  I can stop cholera in a day in 48 minutes but they don’t want to hear but what they want to hear is about oil subsidy.
Do you use natural method for your cure?
Amanya: I was born a prophet.  Those I cannot cure with my remedy, I pray and God intervene.  Jesus is behind everything I do.  I read Pharmacology and China traditional medicine.  I have doctoral degree in infestious disease in a special infectious disease hospital in America.  I have practice as a doctor for 26 years, here in Nigeria.

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